1970年代 五藤式6.5cm 屈折赤道儀

「古スコ広場」 懐かしの望遠鏡、昔欲しかった望遠鏡、古い望遠鏡や産業を語りましょう
young chiech tsao
記事: 134
登録日時: 2023年7月27日(木) 11:47

1970年代 五藤式6.5cm 屈折赤道儀

投稿記事 by young chiech tsao »

A refractor equator that moves a 1970 classic, observing the sun。

台灣地區,稀少 70年代 6.5cm 五藤式屈折赤道儀,觀測太陽黑子(sunspots)。

五藤式望遠鏡in 台灣物語:

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Goto-style refraction equatorial mounts in Taiwan were mainly used by the Taipei Observatory(台北市立圓山天文台), the Meteorological Bureau(氣象廳), or primary and secondary schools(中小學校).

The minimum aperture is 8 cm 屈折赤道儀 , or 16 cm 反射式赤道儀, and 6 cm 經緯台 mounts.

But the 6.5 cm 屈折赤道儀 is almost nonexistent。

The figure of 6.5cm telescope in used should be the only one in Taiwan。

Last figure:
In the 1970s, the Japanese astronomical magazine Goto Optical 6.5cm telescope advertisement。
young chiech tsao
記事: 134
登録日時: 2023年7月27日(木) 11:47

Re: 1970年代 五藤式6.5cm 屈折赤道儀

投稿記事 by young chiech tsao »

On December 26, 2019, a partial solar eclipse was observed in Taiwan, using an 8cm nikon refracton equatorial mount.

2019年12月26日,台灣地區日食,使用Nikon 8cm 屈折赤道儀。

撮 影 所:台中 清水 台灣

Nikon 望遠鏡in 台灣物語:

The Nikon 8cm refraction equatorial mount in the 1970s, because the director of the observatory, 台北市立圓山天文台長 Mr. 蔡 章獻氏 had a good relationship with Goto Optical, so Nikon optical telescopes are almost extinct in Taiwan.

As far as I know, Japanese NIKON telescopes were also more expensive than Goto optical telescopes. In addition, Taiwan cannot import astronomical telescopes, so amateur astronomers in Taiwan cannot see Nikon products.

The first 10cm ED refraction equatorial mount was not introduced until the 1990s by the Astronomical Observatory of the Primary School Affiliated to a Normal School in Taiwan.(台北市女子師範學院實驗小學校 天文台購置)
記事: 232
登録日時: 2023年6月23日(金) 14:28

Re: 1970年代 五藤式6.5cm 屈折赤道儀

投稿記事 by (^0^)コメト »

Hi! young chiech tsao (^0^)



young chiech tsao
記事: 134
登録日時: 2023年7月27日(木) 11:47

Re: 1970年代 五藤式6.5cm 屈折赤道儀

投稿記事 by young chiech tsao »

Dear Mr Comet :

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce Taiwan's astronomical telescopes in the 60s and 70s. Taiwan is the same as Japan, but because of military relations(軍事戒嚴時期), Taiwan banned the import of astronomical telescopes in the early 6,70s. (Taiwan is prohibited from importing non-governmental binoculars with a power of more than 12 倍.)

12倍双眼鏡or 天文鏡の輸入は固く禁止されています

Therefore, in those days, astronomical telescopes made in Japan or all over the world could not be bought even if they had money!

Amateur astronomers can only use it during the opening hours of the observatory, or make astronomical telescopes by grinding their own mirrors(研磨反射鏡,製作天文望遠鏡)

Fig:My first Self-made and ground 10cm Newtonian mirror equatorial mount in 1978。