Comet C/2023 P1 西村 observed by TYGA TW(AAVSO) at Daxi Observatory
Two nights of explosive observating
. I also wished to see the face of Comet Nishimura. .Finally . it,s worth!
Celestron 14" SCT F/3.6 (f 1278mm 1.1 arcsec/pixel resolution) +SBIG ST-10XME Free Tracking (POLEMASTER 2017 0805 proofreading) Showa 20E ( kai) +NS5000 for SHOWA20E +TheSky GOTO. soft system.
After observing the comet 西村 in the early morning of the 28日, the morning has already broken!
Continue to observe two nights , the comet tail has become diffuse. The brightness is unchanged, about 7.5-8.0 等亮度(magnitude m1=7.7mag)
Fig2: In order to observe the comet nucleus carefully, used old Vixen 10x70 large binoculars.
Fig 4,6 : The comet tail of 2023 0827 04h34m (am) V Band has a slightly bright and slender tail.(明るくて細い尾)。
Fig 5: 2023 0828 04h32m (am) R Band comet tail already has 2 bright and 1 dimmer branch jets.
Comet C/2023 P1 西村彗星
- 記事: 136
- 登録日時: 2023年7月27日(木) 11:47
Re: Comet C/2023 P1 西村彗星
The comet tail of 2023 0827 04h34m (am) V Band has a slightly bright and slender tail.(明るくて細い尾)。
- 記事: 136
- 登録日時: 2023年7月27日(木) 11:47
Re: Comet C/2023 P1 西村彗星
Figure: V band will have a thin and long jet stream on the 27th. 局部放大圖
Colored Comet C/2023 P1 2023 August27. 04h19m (AM) Large green coma. Comet nucleus is already very bright。
Colored Comet C/2023 P1 2023 August27. 04h19m (AM) Large green coma. Comet nucleus is already very bright。